The Sexual Politics of Overpopulation

November 27, 2007 at 12:57 pm 3 comments


Alright, let’s get to it.

There are too many of us on planet earth to live the way we do, and no US Presidential candidate has the balls to talk about addressing overpopulation. They are busy with G rated “religion” conversations in an R rated world.
Take away the suits, and we are just monkeys with missiles. So how can the US and the world address the issue when our country is so sexually repressed?

You and I are animals that seek health and the preservation of life. We like food. Sleep. Money and the things money can buy. Life after death (for believers). The well being of our children. A feeling of importance. And sexual gratification.

No matter what your religion or sense of values, it feels good when your netherbits get tickled. I feel this is relevant to Peak Oil in that we are at the peak of population, right before some nasty things start happening as modern thinking meets the 4th Law of Thermodynamics.

While there is nothing sexy about entropy, we should keep that in mind the world now has a virtual sex machine called the Internet. Sex crimes decrease since people can find whatever they are looking for online (A 10 percent increase in Net access yields about a 7.3 percent decrease in reported rapes).

Normal people, either as couples or singles, seek sexual experiences from the magical sex box. It’s world wide, from India to Iraq to wherever. I’ll bet there are Taliban fighters whacking off in Wi-Fi enabled caves somewhere.

The point is that we are at the point with peak oil where the Zero Sum game starts to have definite losers. Right now it is starting in the poorest countries, and people are dying. Food prices will only continue to rise, and if the Ice Shelf slips into the ocean we are all fucked, no matter how many carbon credits you buy.

As long as we continue to breed and developing countries try to keep up with the Joneses (the West), we will continue to witness a decline in living conditions. As long as we continue to be prudish and deny that we are sexual monkeys, there will be fighting over the remaining bananas.

You may think I’m trying to be funny. I’m not. As the economic collapse speeds up and more people are in their own personal dire straights, they will be freaked out and depressed. Attitude is key now as things get bad.

I believe we are entering a period of time when an intervention is needed and social programs will become overwhelmed. This Thanksgiving, food banks reported huge drops in inventory and the ability to help feed people.

Hungry, desperate people are no joke. But somehow through despair, sex always breaks through, and no matter what you have been told, God won’t get mad if you take care of your needs. Do whatever you have to do to keep up a good attitude and stay positive.

It’s about to become a very rough ride.

Entry filed under: Advertising, Creativity, Die Off, Economic Collapse, Energy Crash, How To, Peak Oil, Random, Religion, Solutions, War. Tags: , , .

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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Mighk  |  November 30, 2007 at 5:44 pm

    In Stephen Baxter’s novel Evolution, he explores the possibility (which, the more I though of it seemed almost a certainty) that the purpose of alternative sexual practices — other than vaginal intercourse — was to serve as birth control. Our prehistoric kin were not idiots; they knew how babies were made. When food got tight they’d just _do it_ in a way that wouldn’t cause pregnancy.

    When agriculture came along it enabled wealth to be concentrated. It only made sense that the rulers, who needed more workers to work the fields and feed their armies, would ban those alternative sexual practices.

  • 2. peakoilboy  |  November 30, 2007 at 5:52 pm

    In other words, KY Jelly can also help save the world.


  • 3. virginia  |  May 8, 2008 at 6:17 am

    i stand and applaud!!!!


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