America, I Loved You. I will Love You Even More When You Recover.

December 14, 2011 at 8:20 pm Leave a comment

An Open Plea To My Brothers In the Police And Military

Dear brothers (and sisters),

This is your Darth Vader moment. The Constitution has fallen. You must now choose whether you are going to fight for the forces of Good or the forces of Evil. America has been temporarily defeated by those who despise the freedoms protected by our Constitution. With the manufactured consent of the people and a media system designed to sway opinion against the freedoms so many like you have died to protect – members of Congress secretly conspired and executed an act of legislation that openly seeks to reverse hundreds of years of freedom and sacrifice. The men and women who spilled their blood and sacrificed their blood, lives, and property to maintain political freedoms lie in their graves asking you to be bold in this moment and to take a stand against orders you may receive directing you against your fellow citizens. With this act of aggression against America from within, now all citizens, like Nazi Germany – face the very real prospect death or execution for simply expressing protest against a rotten political and business system rigged in favor of murderers, liars, and thieves. This blog post is now considered a “Low Level Act Of Terrorism” for simply telling the truth. Do you deny that this is tyranny, and that you have a responsibility to stand against such Anti-American legislation?

You must choose. Do you let the Empire kill Luke, Han, Chewie, and that hottie in the Jabba-provided bikini? You must choose to STAND DOWN.

(Don’t mind the Special Edition version of this battle scene – the original cut is better, yes.)

BUT FOR GOD”S SAKE! Don’t let Cobra Commander kill Duke! Megatron must NOT destroy Optimus! Do not exit light, good, and honor so easily! You swore you would protect the Constitution, and many of you are making excuses right now to protect traitors who are openly killing the Constitution.

Understand there need to be leaders among you who stand UP for morals, and stand DOWN to anti-American, anti-Constitutional orders. Like this brave National Guard soldier:
“… he said that during the EDRE (emergency deployment readiness exercise) at the armory, 3 companies of infantry were polled by questionare about the drill and it’s purpose. One of the questions was, will you as a member of the Nat. Guard use lethal force against the American public if ordered to do so? One of the men stepped forward and refused to take the poll and explained that it was a moral judgement on his part and that he could not do so. He then placed his weapon on the ground and fell in behind the formation. Devon said it was like a waterfall, Every member layed their weapons on the deck and fell in beside the one lone specialist. This included ALL NCO’s, STAFF NCO’s and SENIOR NCO’s. The only people left in front of the original formation was 3 Capt’s. 2 Lt’s and the BN Commander who was so upset he started having chest pains from yelling and screaming about court martials and disbandment of the unit into other units. Devon is a Mstr.Sgt and he went with his troops and told them that he could not be prouder of any of them.”

Now THAT is an American hero.

There is much to fear, if we let death scare us. I don’t want to die, but my years of patriotism cannot be hidden and I refuse to let America die without a fight. And yes – you are better trained, better armed, and will get me no matter where I may run and hide. So I choose not to hide – I choose to stand tall and fight for freedom. And if you don’t do the same so you can keep cashing that soon-to-be worthless paycheck you get from serving Cobra Commander – realize you are showing your kids you are a person who is making a choice that will haunt your family when your peers eventually come for you as well.


Our Founding Fathers weren’t perfect. They owned slaves, and they forgot to make sure people who serve in congress have term limits so we could better prevent decay of our freedoms. Soon the men who’s faces are on our money will be turned into villains, and school children will be taught they were evil men. Our Founding Fathers tried so very hard to build in language to protect us, and year after year, dark forces have been chipping away at our Bill of Rights. You know – those bedrock foundations of freedom like the right to speak freely, to not be prosecuted without due process of law, and to maintain weapons to face down enemies.

Isn’t that why you joined the police or military in the first place? Sure, it’s a paycheck, but it has to mean more than that! Realize by joining with the people right now and reversing such treasonous legislation – we can still save America by protecting people’s rights to freedom. Certainly, everyone needs a paycheck to pay off our debts, buy food, pitch in for sports equipment for the kids, etc. Just please at least realize that the ongoing wars (get ready for $250 a barrel oil) and theft of our currency will make the price of everything rise to infinity… food, gas, football tickets – you name it. The bankers may just keep printing money to ensure you have a paycheck – the the rest of us will not just roll over while we are attacked by you. You, who I love and am sickened by your transformation from my hero to a cowardly order taker.

Do you want your kids growing up in a country that openly takes people away to death camps because they voice an opinion or bring up facts that expose corrupt officials in charge? Shouldn’t people who rape little kids and steal trillions of America’s dollars be prosecuted by laws everyone has to adhere to? People are protesting because the system is rigged in favor of murderers, liars, and thieves. I understand though – some of you have trouble admitting to yourself things you have done, and others may know your secrets. Well, if you can’t own up to those, then we are doomed. I’m no angel either… but we have to have truth – and not be afraid.

Afraid to stand against what we know is wrong.

Afraid to be the one in the locker room who stands up for what is right.

And afraid to stand down when given an order to break the very freedoms so many of your brothers have died to protect.

Well, I am a military brat. I grew up in New Hampshire – our motto is “Live Free or Die”. I went to middle school in Germany, where I learned about the horrors of concentration camps, and how people were rounded up and murdered because they rolled over and let their government have those evil powers. I went to High School in Oklahoma, where so many supposed patriots flew flags on their trucks, representing freedom to own guns and say what the hell they wanted to say without fear of prosecution, no matter how stupid it may have been. And I went to College in Alaska, where supposedly I could see Russia. I must not have as a good of vision as some people there, but I do know that I attended the university with Russian students who were guests in our country – and they told me of the economic suffering they faced during their collapse.

So if we are afraid to stand up because we may lose our paychecks – know that it doesn’t matter because we face economic collapse due to the corruption of Federal and State finances. Corruption in the protection of pedophiles. Corruption in the allocation of money for nuclear weapons rather than an alternative energy economy. Yes, everyone is pissed as purchasing power vanishes, and there need to be charges filed by Attorney Generals against those who have committed crimes against this nation so we can restore the rule of law and maintain order. I assure you we can fix our problems without carting people off to gas and torture chambers.

It is a fact that this planet is running low on energy resources and such a huge population cannot continue to grow. Sacrifices must be made. There is a plan, however – one that doesn’t require you to sacrifice American freedoms or to kill Americans. With proper leadership, we can re-engineer our money, energy, and food / fuel systems to support lives worth living for our present population. But yes, we will all need to roll up our sleeves to do it.

The world is changing fast no matter what – and I beg you to choose the right side.

Choose to help Luke. Arrest Cobra Commander. Save Optimus Prime.

You can be a hero by saying “no” to orders you know are wrong. I love you, and hope you don’t kill me too fast. I want to see the America that the upcoming generation of kids rebuild. And we can’t do it without your help.

December 5, 2011 at 3:23 pm 3 comments

Why The Hell Are We Alive Anyway?

epic sunset

I can’t believe it’s been just over a year since posting. Sorry – been out trying to save the planet for future generations. It’s a hard job, you know. Especially when people have limited attention spans thanks to Facebook and Twitter. Unless your point fits in a paragraph – you are too much reading.

How ya doin? I’m hanging in there, amidst all the bullshit – we are all swimming in the toilet bowl now, eh?

Even the elites – the top of the top, the most nefarious motherfuckers on planet earth must be sitting back going “Whoa… look at our plans in action. We… we… we’re WINNING!”

Yeah, they have been winning since their grandparents were fucking goats in secret chambers of secret societies in secret locations, and since corporations were declared as people back in the 1800’s – the most recent decisions are mere reminders.

So, when money trumps survival, what else can you do but just try to make and store as much of the stuff as you can while actively working against the same system in your free hours? That’s what I do.

What have you been up to the past year? I have been working with farmers to help large, conventional farms switch to organic farming methods that use less water, fossil fuels, and actually rebuild soils and local food systems.

It’s hard work to shift business, culture, technology, and politics at the same time when you have no budget. Especially when there are so many channels on TV and unlimited Internet sites / Apps to use. So much content, so little time on planet earth!

So we must shake it off and realize that there is so much rough road ahead, unless we grow up as a global civilization and make mandatory farm work a part of every citizens’ life in some capacity, people will be lost wondering why the fuck so many riots are taking place all over the world.

Truly – I believe that amidst all the golfing that politicians take part in, they should be required to take a soil science course and have a test at the end, just like school students. Because everyone knows man… the fix is in. Your machine-based voting and money-based elections only empower those who seek more power – not the people.

And people are PISSED OFF.

The money system is fake and corrupt. Yet workers show up to earn enough credits to pay their bills, if they can even land a gig somewhere.

So, expect more of the same. I am enjoying biking around, working with farmers, and life in general, even though I want to smash my own TV screen when I see the likes of any candidates for President. I expect no leadership at the Federal level – only state levels from now on. Fuck the Fed. Fuck the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of the corrupt United States Government. You are all scum, save a very, VERY few heroes that still believe in the merits of what democracy means. Especially you, Bernie Sanders. Love you man.

As for us, the working class folk – so long as we have money, we can buy whatever we want – but one day, we just may need to know someone close to us who can make or service what we need. So take your tablets, take your pills – whatever you need to cope. But realize we are all in this fight together – even you cops that smash the faces in of those who are just trying to better their lives in the face of religious crazies that welcome the nuclear destruction of planet earth to fulfill their death wishes so they can say “See! We told you so!” – that kind of politics is taking over, and needs to be stopped before we perish from their psychosis.

So, remember to go sailing, dancing, and make a meal from food you have grown your very self now and then – this fight is happening for the rest of your life!

August 13, 2011 at 12:39 am 1 comment

Dependence -VS- Independence

The big slick. What a mess, eh?

So many opinions about what we should do. So many fingers wagging. But unless you are completely off grid, growing all your own food, weaving your own fabric to make your own clothes, and have basically removed yourself from any consumer situation that takes in any way from the planet, you are guilty of this crime. Just like me.

We are all guilty of this crime against the planet, and like the titans of Washington and Wall Street, we will not prosecute ourselves. We humans love to outsource blame to others – because other people are the problem and are the ones who should change, right? 7,000,000,000 +/- humans on the planet, all with fingers pointing at one another. Craaaaaaaaaaaaazy. And yet so funny.

This explosion in-our-faces will not go away. It is a major wake up call, but people want to hit the snooze button and go back to watching CSI. Just like how all the networks went back to entertainment programming immediately after President Obama’s address to the nation, pleading and praying for change.

But when your economy depends on consumption, you can’t ask for conservation. It’s the paradox I testified about years ago when Portland was exploring disaster scenarios and how to mitigate the effects. Back in 2007, I wrote a blog post about advertising in the age of peak oil, and the problem of institutions clinging to antiquated models. (Check out the video on that post from a presentation I made at Clear Channel, at 45:00 in…)

And as much as businesses want customers to keep buying their stuff, income destruction will of course lead to less consumption. It’s just that people like to buy stuff. We built Bright Neighbor as a sustainability network that allows people to lend things to one another rather than consuming new things from stores, and it works great. But perceived Independence is an American value, and many people feel they are independent in choices by shopping at stores. The idea of dependence on neighbors they don’t know yet is a leap for sure. After all, you can’t deeply know or trust everyone. There are predators out there, yes. But a system to build social glue through resource sharing at the neighborhood and hyper-local community level is in place. We are doing what we can to expand Bright Neighbor to more cities right now.

So, in the long run, we all die. That bugs me! I like living, and want a good planet to pass along to my kid and other people’s kids as well. I find that the only way to maintain my own sanity in this crazy crazy world is to accept that it is indeed a crazy crazy world. It always has been. That’s why I have as much fun as I can every day trying to reduce my own personal impact. And I have a long way to go as a recovering oil addict, even after trying for years. There is no self-righteousness, just an attempt to do what I feel is right to try to liberate myself from dependence on oil.

How about you?

June 19, 2010 at 10:37 am 1 comment

Protected: How Humankind Can Ethically Respond To Overpopulation

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March 26, 2010 at 10:38 am Enter your password to view comments.

A Reminder That People DID See The Crash Coming

I am reading stories about how not many economists saw “The Crash” coming. Are you saying that all the punks I know are smarter than Wall Street and Washington analysts?

Of course it’s bullshit. Any smart person saw it coming, and the military started their peak oil campaign back in 2001. Venezuela – your oil is in our scope sights now!

There are many Americans working for peace, however. Remember – they track you with your cell phone, and you can eat dandelions!

January 26, 2010 at 9:04 am 1 comment

President Obama Asks For Our Help

Meetup did a great job with this video! We are doing what we can to help with Bright Neighbor.

July 15, 2009 at 11:26 am 1 comment

An Update About Al Franken

Al Franken

Woo Hoo! I was right! Way to go Al!

July 6, 2009 at 9:59 pm Leave a comment

Railer – Live In Portland

We encourage ride-sharing, walking, bike-riding, or public transit to / from our shows! Join up with other Railer fans at

June 22, 2009 at 8:11 am Leave a comment

More and More, Farming Is Getting Sexier

June 13, 2009 at 7:27 am Leave a comment

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