Peak Oil Is Here: How Will Young People Deal With The Next “Great Depression”?

February 19, 2008 at 3:51 pm 14 comments


By Randy White
Editor, Lawns to Gardens

Oopsy. Looks like America was caught off guard from reality. I still am in awe some “News” outlets are still debating whether a recession has arrived.

1) What schools did they go to?
2) Don’t send your kids there

Just today, oil scored a new high price record at $101 a barrel.

The logic of OPEC’s argument makes no economic sense. They report:

“Market analysts say OPEC producers might cut production in response to the slowdown of the US economy, which is world’s biggest oil user.”

Excuse me, but does that make any sense? Have we seen a drop in demand? Why would they decrease the amount of oil when the demand is rising? To me, this screams geological realities and market distributors making excuses for an inability to add more oil to the market. And that constitutes post-peak. Here is another comical take on peak oil, this one is from MSNBC:

“Oil futures shot higher Tuesday, closing above $100 for the first time as investors bet that crude prices will keep climbing despite evidence of plentiful supplies and falling demand. At the pump, gas prices rose further above $3 a gallon.

There was no single driver behind oil’s sharp price jump; investors seized on an explosion at a 67,000 barrel per day refinery in Texas, the falling dollar, the possibility that OPEC may cut production next month, the threat of new violence in Nigeria and continuing tensions between the U.S. and Venezuela.”

See the contradiction? Wake up to real economics, folks.

Since the new Depression is most definitely here, and it is only going to get worse before things get better, how are young people reacting?

Young people do not have to be defined by their age. Normally, youth is associated with inexperience and naivety, which is why they are often discredited by the more entrenched, ‘experienced’ adults, right?

But what happens when that experience turns into obsolescence, and the adults themselves have attention deficit disorders? To me, it would imply that they are losing control and don’t know how to solve their problems.

The most amazing thing happened the other day. I was home and there was a knock at the door. Two young giggling women opened their introduction with: “Hi. We’re a little short on Rent this month, and were wondering if you had any soda cans you might want to donate?”.

I must be turning into a bit of a scrooge, because while I invited them to go through my recycling containers, I certainly wasn’t about to give them money. Not after they showed up on my front porch with their cell phones in hand.

So it makes me wonder – just how are clueless dolts in America going to handle the severe lifestyle changes that are coming? Many people have never dealt with Trauma, choosing rather to tune out into whatever entertainment experiences have kept them distracted from dealing with pain. It’s always the easy way out, trying to take pills to mask symptoms rather than getting in shape.

Only something is different now, isn’t it? It sure is getting harder to live the same way, isn’t it? But, “like, everything’s gonna be all right though, won’t it dude? Won’t we be able to keep dancing like they do in those TV commercials, and keep buying all the neat products and services they tell me to purchase? If only I could afford it.”

Sorry kids, financial stress is just the beginning. Wait until you have to grow your own food. Ha! If only you knew how awesome gardening is, and how much food we can produce on a small piece of lawn.

I would like to know when people are going to put the math together and start waking up to the fact that money is about to go bye-bye and we may have a crash of civilized life. I just hope the Internet remains operational – I see it as one of our only hopes for communication and keeping things civil.

Entry filed under: Economic Collapse, environmental, Gardening, Solutions, Sustainability. Tags: .

Egads! More Peak Oil Wareness. Oh, the Humanity! How Fast Will The Meat-Heads Of America Kill One Another Off?

14 Comments Add your own

  • 1. winston smith  |  February 20, 2008 at 11:16 am

    great stuff about what i have been calling the “grestest depression”
    the masses who are asses dont get it. if the subject isnt about overpopulation not wotht discussing.
    its here the end of living and the beginning of survival. the strong always win. the social unrest will look like one of those current movies . people always leave out the social unrest part.. the live in delusionville and reality bites. good luck you’ll need it along with some water and food!
    peak everything due to human overshoot. no do over. ws

  • 2. Carl Schwarzott  |  February 20, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as the XLE.

    An ETF whose hungry mouth is prest
    Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

    An ETF that looks to God all day,
    And prays that global warming goes away;

    An ETF that may in summer wear
    The scent of ethanol in her hair;

    Upon whose bosom T. Boone Pickens has lain;
    Whilst oil and gas fumes waft through his brain.

    Poems are made by fools like me
    For my love of oil has set me free.

  • 3. C  |  February 20, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    Thanks for the article! I am one of those “dolts” (born in the early 80s) who is well-versed in current events deaing with the economy, Peak Oil, etc. At the present time, my biggest problem is actually explaining to my baby boomer parents and friends how their lives are going to drastically change because of these events. As you mentioned in your article, my conversations are simply dismissed, either as “doomsaying” and “negative”, or as “conspiracy theories” (that one irks me the most). They’ve lived through oil shocks and stock market crashes and recessions, and they can’t seem to grasp that we are really all in big trouble! The strangest thing is that they don’t believe hard evidence they see with their own two eyes!

    My partner and I are preparing for the challenges ahead – selling items that will not be useful, relocating to a self-sufficient/local-based community, selling the sports car, etc. Thankfully, we are both handy and have planted gardens, repaired a myriad of items, etc. We are also former college athletes in fantastic shape. Of course, I look around at my peers and most of them think f it doesn’t effect their daily life, it doesn’t matter that day (what an unfortuante way to approach life!).

    My point is that baby boomers and young people alike, save for a fortunate few (million?), are both resistant to any information that threatens their current life and lifestyle. Their attitude (at least my mom’s) is: If I acknowledge there is a problem, then I have to do something about it. I think it’s as much as a (lazy) “American’ problem as it is a generational one.

  • 4. clifford wirth  |  February 20, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    My report, which reviews scientific and government studies, indicates that the Peak Oil crisis is permanent and will get worse as time passes. There are no real alternatives to oil and natural gas, both of which will reach terminal depletion in several decades:

  • 5. johnsmart  |  February 20, 2008 at 8:38 pm

    Great article! I want to link it to my site.

  • 6. Guy Fox  |  February 20, 2008 at 9:11 pm


  • 7. Jan Steinman  |  February 21, 2008 at 9:57 am

    Re-localize! De-consume! Starve the beast!

    The key is going to be community. Join with others of like-mind for mutual support. Start growing your own food. Start producing your own energy. Stop buying plastic crap from China. But these things take more will than a couple or small family can manage. Grow community!

    Some see energy and resource depletion as a disaster for human civilization. I think there’s also the possibility of great hope. It means an end to globaloney. Already, US corporate power is losing it’s grip on South America, which for a century has been little more than a colony.

    Yea, it means technology will slow down, and possibly even reverse. It means millions, possibly billions, will die an untimely death. But with some luck and hard work, it means those who prepare with others can lead a sustainable life.

  • 8. Wendy  |  February 21, 2008 at 10:12 am

    C – I have the opposite situation… boomer with 20-something kids who don’t want to hear about it. While we are powering down (gardening, simplifying), they are powering up (career, parties). What does it take to wake up? It seems to be beyond age or generation, there’s some other factor(s) involved.

    Our kids say, “we don’t have time to think about this stuff…” Both responsible smart kids, raised on a small farm, I figure they’ll come around, they’ll have to at some point. Just curious about the resistance so many people have to looking at what’s coming…

  • 9. Rob  |  February 21, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    I’d invite the giggling young ladies in and offer them 50 bucks each for about 10 minutes of light work. Yep, the Second Great Depression is going to rock!

  • 10. Tom  |  February 21, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    “Second Great Depression” is a misnomer, there were plentiful supplies of resources (oil/electricity etc.) during the 30’s, most business (75% employement) and the government still functioned. Think “Second Middle Ages” or”Return to Feudalism.”

    Those giggling girls will not be the last to show up at your door. In a few months, starving gangs will start roving the streets, ripping off wealth wherever they can. You can either run away to a country that might make it through (Like I have), head for the hills or fight it out in the urban hells that are about start. Good luck.

  • 11. Dody  |  February 21, 2008 at 7:39 pm

    I have a large family. We don’t buy a lot of crap. We are starting a farmers market. We are investing in equipment to get this thing off the ground. I think community is a good idea, but we can’t start there with out the proper ingredients. One is people who care and will educate the community, another is a respected leader that will take such person seriously. I am blessed to live in a tiny community with an awesome mayor. He doesn’t say peak oil, but high shipping prices. He never says lower food nutrients, but home grown tastes best. He tailors the message to his audience well, where as I am a hot head. He got the message, and I am willing to back him and everyone else up. That builds community.

  • […] we will probably begin to experience hyper-inflation. That means “consumers” will continue to experience a serious wake-up call into what we truly need versus what we think we need to be happy. But hey – Ramen Noodles have got […]

  • 13. Stu  |  December 13, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    With my solar panels, wind generators, solid double bluestone dwelling, with 10mm glass windows, slow combustion stove with wet back, and wood fired generator, and fruit trees, vegie gardens, chickens, walking distance to great fishing, I’ll be fine. My whole family far and wide will be coming here. I also have a very impressive arsenal.

    After you suburbanites finish fighting over who gets to eat the last tin of dog food to be found in what remains of your shopping complex, I, and my armed to the teeth warlord family will select from you, who is to survive and live out the remainder of your miserable lives toiling in service to the man………me lol.

  • 14. peakoilboy  |  December 13, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    Stu – you forgot to mention board games!

    Gotta have something to do with your family other than inbreed.


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February 2008