The World Economy Has Become Calvinball

January 4, 2008 at 3:40 pm Leave a comment

The Recession of 2008 is Calvinball

Are you a fan of Calvin and Hobbes? Remember Calvinball? It is the game that Calvin and Hobbes used to play where they would make the rules up as they went along, which is exactly what is happening on the world stage as Peak Oil wreaks havoc on the global economy. Here are some examples, and think in terms of the actions each country is taking right now in terms of their economics:

The Official Rules of Calvinball

1.1. All players must wear a Calvinball mask (See Calvinball Equipment – 2.1). No one questions the masks (Figure 2.1).

*IMPORTANT — The following rules are subject to be changed, amended, or dismissed by any player(s) involved.

1.2. Any player may declare a new rule at any point in the game (Figure 1.2). The player may do this audibly or silently depending on what zone (Refer to Rule 1.5) the player is in.

1.3. A player may use the Calvinball (See Calvinball Equipment – 2.2)in any way the player see fits, from causal injury to self-reward.

1.4. Any penalty legislation may be in the form of pain, embarassment, or any other abasement the rulee deems fit to impose on his opponent.

The list goes on. Ultimately, what it means is that all economic theories are about to be turned upside down on their heads as mother earth rejects the greedy who have abused capitalism.

By now you know that oil prices are just going to keep on rising. At some point, people will realize the earth is so hooked to oil price won’t matter, and those that can’t afford it will die economically. It’s not just a stock market crash on Wall Street, it’s peak population.

Peak Oil is the ugly bill collector that is cutting off everyone’s growth. This is when sustainability becomes survival.

Think I’m joking? If you need a good laugh, watch this video. Otherwise, you had better listen up, because we are in deep trouble.

Money can only hold on for so long. Countries are no longer playing nice, and when the rule of law becomes a gun, economics changes with it. If the capitalists push too hard, Americans will fucking riot. So far they have done it peacefully by picking their candidates in the Iowa caucus. We all know how that has turned out. Unless the fat cats in power let off some off the pressure and help Americans out, shit is going to fall apart pretty quickly.

That’s why Obama’s message is resonating with people – it’s pure hope. And as every makeup company knows, hope sells.

Hope is why people are coming out. They are ready to act for change, and I mean moving beyond forwarding irritating protest e-mails. Fuck protest e-mails – people are rising up and taking to the streets American style.

They are being nice about it right now, but if they get pushed around too hard, they will fight back. Because Americans love to fight. We are the descendants of troublemakers from around the world, and we are sick and tired of our present leadership.

So onward with a Calvinball economy. Here’s to making up the rules as we go!

Entry filed under: Activism, Advertising, Comedy, Creativity, Economic Collapse. Tags: , , .

Lawns to Gardens Episode 4: Homeless Survival Tips Great Videos For Our Times

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January 2008